Adventures with Bits

Write up


ScriptKiddie HTB

The goal of this write-up is to provide an instinct and supporting materials to work on the machine to reach the solution. i would like to provide a methodology or instinct that you may use to solve the boxes.....
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Spectra HTB

This is easy machine with much more things to learn specially the instincts and methodology. I will explain the methods and instincts that you can develop when doing this machine.....
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Ophiuchi HTB

Let's start with nmap simple scan to find open ports, nmap results shows port 22 (SSH) and port 8080 (HTTP) is opened. from the nmap result the machine is running ubuntu and Apache Tomcat 9.0.38 in port 8080. . .
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Atom HTB

Atom is windows machine with unique way of foothold and some interesting vulnerabilities. Let's start with initial scan and see what could be the initial vector to get foothold in the machine.
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Armageddon HTB

Armageddon is rated as easy machine, however this machine can give you interesting attack vectors to try. Let's begin with initial scan to find initial foothold attack vector for this machine.
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Knife HTB

Knife is an easy machine with some new stuff to learn and exploit. let's start the machine with initial scan.
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